439 (A) Vahya-tapa (External Austerities) consists of prevention of passions, adoption of celibacy, worship jina and fasting (for the good of self). The devotees particularly adopt such austerities.
440 Austerities are of two kinds: 1. External and 2. Internal The external austerities are of six kinds. Similar is the case with internal austerities; it is also of six kinds.
441. The six kinds of External Austerities are : 1. Fasting; 2. Eating less than ones full (i.e. less than one has appetrl for); 3. Taking a mental vow to accept food from a house holder on the fulfillment of certain condition or conditions, without letting anyone know about the vow; 4. Renunciation of one or more six kinds of delicacies e.g. ghee etc. 5. Sitting and sleeping in lonely place or places devoid of animate beings; and 6. Mortification of the body so long as the mind is not disturbed.
442. The austerity of fasting consists of the renunciation (abandonment) of food (by a saint) for the period of a day for the shake shedding karmas (Nirjara).
443. Agam declare (accept) such persons as hermits (tapasvi), who take limited food, for the sake of their studies. Fasting, without studying is like eating hunger (or dying of hunger).
444. The (Real) austerity of fasting consists of abstaining from taking food, in a way in which the mind remains free of all anxieties of evil men (Amaigala/disaster/misfortune) which does not cause loss of (relaxation in/thithilata) sense organs and deterioration in the vibrations of mind, speech and body.
445. One should adopt fasting after having properly taken into consideration and weighed one’s own strength/capacity energy, faith and health and having in view the region and the time; (because over-fasting is harmful).
446. In short, fasting has been mentioned as the tranquilisation (subsidence) of senses. A saint, who has had full command overhis senses but who takes food is deemed to be on fast.
447. A wise man, comparatively, gets more purified (even) by regularly taking food, than an ignorant person, who fasts for days-together.
448.The unodar-tapa, from substantial point of view, consists of eating less (may be less by a particle or a morsel) than one’s appetite or fill.
449. The “vrathi” parisainkhyana-tapa” of a saint consists of taking a mental vow to accept food in a particular limit; to go begging to a limited number of houses; to accept food only when given by particular type of donor or donors; to take food only when found kept in particular utensil (or utensils) and to take particular food items (Such as mand, sattu etc.).
450. The “Rasa-partiyaga-tapa” of a saint consists of renunciation (abandonment) of milk curd, ghee etc. and juices of nutritive foods and drinks by him.
451. The “vivikta-sayyasan-tapa” of a saint consists of his sitting and sleeping in a lonely place, devoid of men and women, which is (most often) not visited by persons (Anapta).
452. The “kaya-klesha-tapa” of a saint consists of practising the exercises of postures (such as virasan) in dangerous places like forests, caves etc. exercises, that please the soul.
453 The knowledge, acquired with ease (comfortably) disappears/vanishes, on the arrival of (at the occasion of) distress or discomforts (Dukha). That is why, an ascetic should, concentrate on self, by means of self-inflicted pains (i.e. by war of mortification of body) so long as the mind is not perturbed/disturbed.
454-455. The object of treatment of a a patient is neither to provide pleasure, not to provide pain, to him after treatment, a patient may be happy or unhappy. Similarly the object of the destruction (eradication) of delusion is neither (the acquisition) of happiness or (that of) unhappiness. An ascetic, while engaged in the (religious practices, concerning distruction of delusion, may be happy as well as unhappy). (He, while practicising mortification of boyd has to bear bodily pains (or external maladies); because they are the part or parts of the (course of) religious practices (sadhana), relating to the distruction of delusion (Maha-kshaya).
(आ) आभ्यन्तर तप
456. The internal austerities are of six kinds: 1. Expiation; 2. Reverence; 3. Service of saint (worthy people) 4. Study; 5. Giving up attachment to the body; and 6. Meditation.
457. The internal austerity of Expiation includes vows, carefulnesses, conduct, thought natures of Restraint and thought actions of sense control which are to be constantly observed or followed.
458. The austerity of Expiation consists of reflecting on the destruction or/and subsidence of anger and one’s other thought actions (svakiya-bhava) and contemplating uupon the (nature and) characteristics attributes of self.
459. The austerities destroy the molecules of auspicious and inauspicious karmas (shubha shubha-katma-saidohah). Hence, austerities amount to Expiation.
460. The Expiation is of ten kinds: 1. Full and voluntary confession to the Head of the order (Alochana); 2. Self analysis and repentance for faults (pratikramana); 3. Doing both (ubaya); 4. Giving up a much abandonment of beloved object (e.g. particular food or drink) (vivka); 5. Giving up attachment with the body (vyutsarga); 6. Austerities of a particular kind prescribe in a penance (tapa); 7. Cutting short the standing of a saint by way of degradation (chheda); 8. Out rooting the standing of a saint (muta); 9. Rustication for some time (parihar); and 10. Fresh readmission after expulsion from the order (upasthpana).
461. The auspicious as well as inauspicious karmas, perpetrated by the mind, speech and body of the saint are of two kinds: 1. (Abhoga-krita) and 2 (Anabhoga-krita). Karmas, known to others are called abhoga krita; and those not known to others are called Anabhoga-krita. A saint should make full confession of both kinds of karmas and the defects thereof before the head of the order, with an undisturbed mind (in a quiet manner).
462. Just as a child discloses his commissions and omissions to his mother, plainly and easily; simiarly a saint should confess his faults (to the head of the order) plainly/easily deceitlessly and remaining free of al intoxications.
463-464 Just as a thorn, when struck into any part of the body makes the whole body painful and when the thorn so stuck is taken out the whole body (inclusive of all parts thereof) becomes painless (without thorn) and undisturbed; similarly a deceitful (Mayavi/wily) saint, who does not confess his faults before his preceptor remains unhappy or disturbed; where as a good saint who confesses his fault before his preceptor becomes purified and happy. No thorn remains in his mind.
465. Shri Jinendra-deva has preached; confession consists of looking into the soul (self-introspection) equanimously (Hence confession is equal to self introspection together with equanimity).
466. The (austerity of) Reverence (vinaya) means and includes standing up before elderly omniscient and learned persons saluting them with folded hands; making them seated on higher seats (e.g. stools/carpets etc.) offering sincere devotion to and doing service of elderly persons.
467. The austerity of reverence is of five kinds Reverence for right faith (Darshan-vinava); Reverence for Right knowledge (jnav-vinaya); Reverence for Right conduct (charetra-vinaya); Reverence for observing proper forms of respect such as folding hands bowing etc. (upachara-vinaya); and Reverence for austerities (Tapa-vinaya). These Reverence carry one to fifth grade of life (salvation).
468. The disregard (tirakar/disrespect) of one is the disregard of all and the worship of one is the worship of all. (Therefore, wherever some elderly, person is found he should be properly reverred).
469. Reverence is the origin of the rule of jina. One should be respectful (vinita) with restraints and austerities. What conduct and austerities can be observed by him, who lack reverence.
470. Reverence is the door (gate way) of salvation. Reverence give restraint, austerities and knowledge. The Head of order (Acharya) and the whole order (sarva sanigh) is worshipped by way of Reverence.
471. The knowledge acquired with Reverence is fruitful in this world as well as in next world. Knowledge without reverence is as fruitless as the farming or rice without (irrigational) water.
472. Therefore reverence should not be given up, (at any cost) all the efforts be made to maintain it. A man who ha not studied a number of scriptures is also capable of destroying his karmas, by means of reverence.
473. The austerity of “vaiyavratti” consists of the service of saints with way oblising them (Upakreta) bed (shayya), residence (vasti) seat (Asan) and instruments of study (pratilekhan) with (the provisions of) food, medicines, reading (vachana), Excretion (mal-mutra visarjan) and worship/obeisance (Vandana).
474. The austerity of vaiyavratya includes protection and care of those who are tired of walking who are aggrieved due to the persecution by thieves dangerous beasts, king, impediment of rivers, diseased like plague and famine etc.
475. The five kinds of austerities of study consist of : Reciprocation, Reading, Enquiry on a doubtful point, Reflection on what is read and lecturing or delivering descourse in respectful manner.
476. The study of a saint who devotionally studies the scriptures of jina, with the object of washing the filth of karmas, without expecting respect or regard in consequence is good (pleasing) to him as well as to others (sva-para-sukhakari).
477. A studious saint (swadhyayi-sadhu/a saint well acquainted with scriptures) exercises control over) five senses; is equipped with three preservation (Gupti-yukta); is full of Reverence; and is of concentrated mind.
478. Knowledge provides (assists in) Performance of meditation. Meditation assists in the shedding of karmas. The fruit end of shedding of karmas is salvation. Hence, one should incessantly/constantly attempt to acquire knowledge.
479. Of all the twelve austerities-External as well as internal there is, was, and shall be none like the austerity of study.
480. The sixth-austerity of mortification of body (Kayotsarg) consists of behaving like a wooden plank; e.g. abstaining from useless activities of body while sleeping sitting and standing.
481. The austerity of kayotsarg is useful in the following manner: 1. It destroy the rigidity (jadata/stupefaction/stiffness) of the body due to the removal of mucus etc. 2. It eliminates (removes) the inflexibility / stiffness / rigidity of intelligence due to vigilance; 3. It develops one’s capacity to forbear the pleasures and pains; 4. It gives proper opportunities for reflections; and 5. It assists the mind in the performance of righteous and pure meditation.
482. The austerities of the high family persons, who get themselves properly initiated (as a saint) but who indulge in (resort to) austerities for the sake of name and fame and for gaining respect and regard are also not purified. Hence, he who an aspirant of salvation should observe austerities quietly in a manner in which it is not known to others. One should not praise his austerities before others as well.
483. Just as furious fire in the forest burns the grass of the forest (within no time); similarly the fire of penance (austerities) that is ignited by (Right) conduct and fanned by the winds ofe knowledge-burns karmas, that are the seeds and root, (causes) of mundane existence.