714. Whether the subject be that of stand point (naya) or that of pramana (Authority/knowledge) mutually unrealted subjects alone called “Related” (Sapeksha) and mutually unrelated subject is called unrelated (Nirpeksha) the subject of pramamana (of Naya (stand point) is in necessity of pramans (Authority) and other opposite Authority knowledge) is in necessity of all the stand points (Nayas) and the subject stand points (Naya). That is why it is called related (Sapeksha).
715. The word “syat” always negates (denies) the rule and us accomplished (siddha) in the shape of a full (Nipata). This word proves and object to be related one (Sapeksha).
716. The characteristic of syadavada is the use of the word of ‘syat’ (i.e. related to/in relation of) after every sentence (or pharse) in support of the relativity of many facet object (Anika-Dharma-vastu/soul having many attributes). In this (nyaya) there are seven view points of speech due to the classification (division) of pramana (Authority/knowledge) naya (stand-points) and Durnaya (Bad stand point). The relative stand points (view points) are called pramanas (Authority). The view points associated with nayas and unrelated view points are called Durnayas (bad stand points).
717. The authority of the point of view of speech of seven kinds (The pramana saptabhangi) consists of the point of view of seven kinds: 1. Relatively is; 2. Relatively is not; 3. Relatively is and is not; 4. Relatively is unpredicable; 5. Relatively is and is unpredictable; 6. Relatively is not and is unpredictable; and 7. Relatively is, and is not and is unpredicable.
718. The substance exists as entity from the view point of its own subject matter, place, time and nature. The same (substance) is not entity (Non-substance/adravya from the entity point of view of the subjects matter place, time and nature of non substance (pardravya).
719. The same object ‘relatively is’ and relatively is not in relation to the quarternary of its own substance etc., and the quaternary of non substance etc. The object is unpredicable in relation to the statement of both natures to be made simultaneously. (if statements under syat asti nasti are attempted to be made at once it can not be done). Hence the (unpredictability) in the same manner if the statements are attempted to be made from other strand point the consequences are the statements of “Relatively” is and is unpredictable” and “Relatively is not and is unpredicable” and “Relatively and is not and is unpredicable”.
720. These seven points of view become bad-naya (Durnaya) points of view, when they are not unrelated syand points, for example statements “The substance “is”, “is not”, “is and is not”, “is unpredicable” or “is and is not and is unpredicable” alone. (The purpose being; insistence on one aspect or on one point of view regardless of other aspects or points of view give rise to bad naya/Durnaya).
721. When we accept (understand) one nature (attribute) of the object (or soul), automatically we accept its counterpart because both natures (attributes) are inherent in the nature of the objects (soul). Hence the scheme of seven points of view should be applied to all the attributes of the object (soul).