170. The immodest (Avinayas/discoutious/impolite) man looses the attributes (Guna) of wisdom etc. This is his distress (vipatti/loss). On the contrary the modest (vinayee/courteous/polite) man achieves the attributes (Guna) of wisdom etc; which is his attainment (Sampatti/asset/gain/property). He who knows both these acceptable facts, is furnished with true education.
171. Education is hampered by the following five obstacles (causes) :- 1. Vanity (conceit); 2. Anger; 3. Carelessness; 4. Disease; 5. Idleness;
172-173. A man is said to be educated (Siksha-shila/ ) on account of the following eight causes or circumstances (attributes) : 1. To abstain from cutting jokes; 2. To control five senses and mind; 3. Not to disclose the secrets of others; 4. Not to be totally devoid of conduct; 5. Not to be of blotted conduct; 6. Not to be amorous (impassitionated); 7. To remain peaceful (unangry); and 8. To be truthful
174. A man attain s intellectual and mental concentration by means of his study (or studies). He (thereby) gets (firmly) established in observances (Dharma/religion) and causes others to do like wise. Having studied various kinds of scriptures, he is immurged/submerged in (or united with) scriptural knowledge (sruta-samadhi).
175 He, who resides in gurukul; who gets united with his self; who performs austerities at the time of the study of scriptures and who does good and speaks sweet qualifies himself (is eligible) for getting educated.
176. The head of the order (Acharya/preceptor) is like and earthen lamp (Dipaka). Just as an earthen lamp illuminates itself and enkindles hundred of other earthen lamps; similarly the head of the order is himself manifested with knowledge and makes others manifested with knowledge likewise.