56. To believe, state or/and transact a thought action, otherwise then what it or, how it is constituted (assigned/Niyat) is adverse knowledge (viparita-Buddhi/perverseness of disposition).
57. The imperfect/mundane) soul gets associated (is bound) with such good or bad karmas, as are determined, in accordance with the nature of his thought actions of that duration.
58 The careless (Pramatta) man is careless in speech and body; and he is greedy of wealth and lustful for women. He accumulates the dust (Fith/Raja) of karmas, through his attachments and aversions like an earth-worm/tape worm (infant snake), that accumulates the particles of earth both-way is by way of mouth as well as by way of body.
59. The sons, brothers, friends and the caste-fellows (of any one) can not share his grief. He suffers (has to suffer) if himself singularly (all alone). (It is so) because karma (as a rule) follows the doer (Karta).
60 The (imperfect) soul is free to get himself associated with karmas; but he becomes dependent upon karmas at the time of their fruction (as he is bound to face the consequences thereof). It is like a man, who ascends) goes up on) a tree of his own free will/own accord; but at the time of his fall (from the tree), owing to his carelessness, he becomes helpless (dependent upon circumstances).
61. Some time, the (imperfect) soul is dependent upon karmas; at others karmas are dependent upon the (imperfect) soul. At the time of issuing a loan, the power vests in the creditor; whereas, at the time of repayment, the power vests in the debtor.
62. Generally, karma is singular. (But) It is divided into two kinds – (1) in relation to its substance and (2) The molecule of karmic particles constitutes the objective karma (Dravya-karma); and the power of functioning, inherent in it (i.e. the thought actions of attachments and aversions consequent upon it) constitutes subjective karmas (Bhava-karmas).
63. He-who controls his senses and meditates upon the conscious soul Upayoga-maya Atma) which is the embodiment of perception and knowledge-is not bound with karmas. Hence how can the material vitalities (Pondgalic-Prana) follow such goal? (The purport is : such souls become free of transmigration).
64-65 In short, the karmas are eight in number : (1) Knowledge obscuring; (2) Perception obscuring (3) Feeling (Pleasure-pain bearing); (4) Deluding; (5) Age; (6) Body (Nana); (7) Family; and (8) Obstructive Karmas.
66. The nature of (the above mentioned) Karmas is respectively like (that of) (1) Curtain; (2) door-keeper; (3) sword; (4) Wine; (5) Kath (Hali); (6) painter (7) Pot-maker; and (8) Store-keeper.