17. Let the Rule of Jina (the victorious), which provides protection to all the animate beings (Jivas); and by abiding whom, the animate beings succeed in (safely) crossing the endless ocean of mundane existence be prosperous for ever.
18. The words of Jina (Jain-scriptures purges the sensual – pleasures; (permanently) cures the (dangerous) disease of transmigration and destroys all pains (sorrows).
19. I devotionally (respectfully) bow and salute to that great sea of scriptural knowledge (Srut-Jnan) which has been preached in the form of knowledge (Artha-rupa) by the Arhats (i.e. the embodied pure souls) and precisely / accurately collected and composed, by Ganadharas, in the form of Sutras (aphorisms).
20. Agam is the term used for, the flawless utterances (Suddha-vacanas preachings) emanating from the wouths of embodied pure souls (Arhats), that is devoid of (all contradictions and inconsistences (Purvapar-dosa-rahita) Agamas contain truth. In other words, Agamas are scriptures preached by Arhats and compiled by Ganadharas.
21. Those who repose faith in (Anurakti) and faithfully sincerely follow Jain scriptures, get undistressed (Asainklista/Unafflicted) purified (Nirmal/pure) and are soon liable to be liberated (Parita-Samsare/those who gave wound up their mundane-existence).
22. Oh Passionless! Of teacher of the universe! O Lord! bless me with the renunciation from mundane-existence; follow on of the Path of Liberation; and the attainment of the desired end (Ista-phala/Salvation).
23. He alone is qualified (entitled) to propogate (disseminate) the essence (Sar) of the preachings of the possession-less (saints) (Nirgranthas), who is well-versed in pure souls and impure-souls (Sva-Samya and pura-samaya); who is deep, brilliant benevolent and modest and has bad hundreds of (such) attributes.
24. The Rule of Jina is : Propose that for others, which you like for yourself. (In the same manner) do not propose that for others, which you do not like for yourself. This (inshort) is the commandment of the Tirthankaras.
25. The order ofe saints (Samgha) is the unification (Samuha/Union/association) of attributes. It emancipates karmas. It coordinates faith, knowledge and conduct.
26. “Gana” is constituted by three Jewels (i.e. Right Faith, Right Knowledge and Right conduct). Following the path of liberation is “Gaccha”; “Samgha” is the unification of attributes; and ‘Samaya’ denotes pure-soul.
27. Don’t fear the order of saints (Samgha) generates faith because of its straight forward (Nischal/undeceitful) dealings. It resembles a cold house (Sita-griha)/refrigerating-house, due to its sense of equality. It is like one’s parcuts; owing to its equity (Avisama-darshi/giving equal treatment). The order of saints provides protection to all the (animate) beings.
28. A Saint, by virtue of being a number of the order of saints (Samgha) is entitled to his (share of) knowledge. He is particularly form (Sthir) in matters of faith and conduct. Blessed are they, who (fortunately) stay in Gurukul (i.e. the abode of the teacher) throughtout their lives.
29. What is the sense, in staying in Gurukul, by persons, who have no (sense of) devotion, no sense of pride, no respect, no fear of (the breach of the discipline), no shame and no regard (affection) for the teacher?
30-31 The order of saints (Samgha) is like a lotus-flower. The order of saints remains ununited with (Alipta) the dust of karmas in a manner in which a lotus flower remains ununited with (the particle of) water. Knowledge is the long stalk of this lotus; five great vows form its stalk (karnika) and Extra vows (uttar-gna) its saffron (kesar). this saffron is always surrounded by large black bees (Bhramaras) called lay-man (Sravakas). This lotus is enlightened by the light of the sun known as Lord Jina-swan; and its leaves (which are in thousands consist of saints (Sramanas). May that lotus prosper.