140. The mundane soul commits violence; tells lies; commits theft; indulge in sexual contact and gets extremely infatuated (intoxicated/murchha); on account of (lust for) possession only. (Mere lust of possession constitudes the root cause of all the five-vices).
141 He-who possesses animate beings or inanimate objects even in the least or who gives his consent to others for doing like wise-does not get ride of misery (or miseries).
142. He alone can renounce possession. Who renounces the mentality inclination/disposition (attitude) of possession. The posessionless saint alone knows the (Right) path.
143-144. Posessions are of two kinds; internal (Abhyantar) and External (Bahya). The internal possessions are of fourteen kinds: 1. Wrong faith; 2. Feminine-inclination; 3. Male-inclination 4. Common inclination; 5. Laughter producing Frivolity; 6. Indulgence; 7. Enuii; 8. Grief; 9. Fear; 10. Disgust; 11. Anger; 12. Pride; 13. Deceit; and 14. Greed; The external possessions are of ten kinds : 1. Farm; 2. House; 3. Wealth-grainary; 4. Cloths; 5. Utensils; 6. Slaves; 7. Cattle; 8. Vehicles; 9. Bed and 10. Seat.
145. The joy of a Chakravati emperor is no match to the joy of a saint, who is free of all possessions and who is extremely calm, quiet and Jubilant (Prasanna-chitta).
146. Just as one controls the elephant by means of a hook or just as the moat around the city protects the city; similarly the renunciation of possession controls (ones) sense-organs. (Undoubtedly) non-possession (greatly) assists one in his endeavors for sense control.