|| Samayasaar ||

Acharya Kundakudacharya needs no introduction. He graced the country with his divine presence in the first century B.C. His great book Samaysaara has 400- odd verses. Nothing surpasses the excellence of Samaysaara which is self-contained, self-determining, self-sufficient, pure and perfect Super self. The soul is the sole determinant of its own pure psychic status. The soul never loses its soul hood.

Kundakundacharya is an unquestioned authority of Jana dogmatizes; and his position, especially among the Join Teachers and Authors of the South, is unique. His very name has an auspicious significance, to be enumerated next only to that of Mahavira and Gautam Ganadhara. All his words are available in Prakrit which borders of Saurseni and contains some traits of Ardha-magadhi and hence called Jain-Saurseni.Read More...